Job evaluation platform

Collect and analyze information related to the jobs in your organization to determine their value in points and by scale.

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Job evaluation platform

Collect and analyze information related to the jobs in your organization to determine their value in points and by scale.

Start now

Helps you evaluate jobs

Include it in your remuneration audits in an easy and intuitive way, thanks to our innovative method.

Avoid having to use complex and high-cost processes that require help from third parties and do not give you access to their knowledge.


Helps you evaluate jobs

Include it in your remuneration audits in an easy and intuitive way, thanks to our innovative method.

Avoid having to use complex and high-cost processes that require help from third parties and do not give you access to their knowledge.


Intuitive and easy-to-use software

Only you know your company and the positions that make it up, only you have that knowledge.

Your knowledge and our software will make the process easier for you.


Intuitive and easy-to-use software

Only you know your company and the positions that make it up, only you have that knowledge.

Your knowledge and our software will make the process easier for you.


"Easy to use and saves time in evaluating jobs"

A. Escudero

Madrid Spain

"Compatible with agencies, we carry more than 50 companies"

M. Hernandez

Barcelona, Spain

"It facilitates management that usually takes a long time"

T. Santamaría

Bilbao, Spain

"Professionals in the sector. We have carried out the assessment in Facctor"

A. Martínez

Madrid Spain

"Easy to use and saves time in evaluating jobs"

A. Escudero

Madrid Spain

"Compatible with agencies, we carry more than 50 companies"

M. Hernandez

Barcelona, Spain

"It facilitates management that usually takes a long time"

T. Santamaría

Bilbao, Spain

"Professionals in the sector. We have carried out the assessment in Facctor"

A. Martínez

Madrid Spain

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